Moving for Better Balance 2017-18
Tuesday, October 24, 2017Time 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
12 week program: Two (1 hour) sessions per week
$195 Total – Payable to Instructor
Multi – Purpose Room | Pre-Registration Required
October 24, 2017 – January 25, 2018
Tuesday & Thursday | 10:30 – 11:30am
You do not have to accept impaired balance and limited mobility. You can gain confidence in your mobility through this fall prevention program, Moving for Better Balance. This class is a 12-week evidence-based program, led by a Moving for Better Balance-trained instructor, designed to help you improve strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility through slow, therapeutic movements based on Tai Chi, a graceful form of exercise and deep breathing. Focus is on improving mental, cognitive and physical functional ability and especially balance to reduce fall-related risks and fall frequency. Classes are limited to 12 participants.