Little Shop of Horrors
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - Saturday, March 18, 2023Time 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Book and Lyrics by HOWARD ASHMAN / Music by ALAN MENKEN
From Broadway to Hollywood to Boca Grande, this devilishly delicious smash musical comedy has devoured generations of audiences all over the world. It’s guaranteed to leave you hungry for more! Much more! Murder, comedy and romance, all set to rock and roll, doo-wop and a Motown sound, make this the musical to feed your soul.
STARRING: (in alphabetical order) Fred Allardyce, Alice Court, Judith Coykendall, Kris Doubles, Sharon Hawkins, James Martin, Hal McCombs, Carol McDermott,
Rich Mutkowski, Julia Pierce, Cori Palmere, Peter Powell, Kimberly Whipple, DIRECTOR: Brad Wages, MUSICAL DIRECTOR / PIANO: Alan Corey.
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