A Journey Through Time in the Everglades – Lecture by acclaimed author Michael Grunwald presented by the Boca Grande Historical Society
Tuesday, January 16, 2018Time 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Swamp is a New York Times Best Seller, an Editor’s Choice by the New York Times Book Review, a Critic’s Choice by the Washington Post and Best Local History by the Miami Times. According to Publishers Weekly, Washington Post reporter Michael Grunwald “brings the zeal of his profession – and the skill that won him a Society of Envioronmental Journalists Award – to this enthralling story of ‘the river of grass.’ ” Bookmarks Magazine says “critics laud The Swamp as an informative, beautifully researched and written tale that links social, political, and environmental history to current events.” A brief reception will follow the lecture where Grunwald’s books will be available for purchase and signing. Advance tickets are available to Historical Society members beginning November 20 on the Society’s website or the History Center office. Tickets will be available to the general public beginning December 18.
$25 per person - Available to Society members Nov 20 and to the public Dec 18Find More Events Like This
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