SILL Simulcast Series: Britain and Europe
Friday, February 9, 2018Time 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
2018 marks the 47th season of the Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning (SILL), a non-profit organization guided by an all-volunteer board that provides lectures on issues of major domestic or global importance. From China and Russia to Europe and the Middle East, speakers well versed in these areas will present their perspectives on key issues. Friends of Boca Grande will simulcast eleven of these thought-provoking discussions.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Baroness Margaret Jay – Britain and Europe: Another Chapter of Accidents
After Britain voted to leave the EU, an unexpected General Election produced an even more unexpected result. Now Britain is left with a weak government unable to guarantee that it can deliver anything. Prime Minister May promised “Strength and Stability” but the opposite is now true. Baroness Margaret Jay will elaborate.