Great Adventures & Explorations: From Boca Grande to Africa, Adam Nkinde
Wednesday, March 22, 2023Time 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
From Boca Grande to Africa
Adam Nkinde, Wildlife Photographer & Safari Expeditioner
Wednesday, March 22 | 4:30pm | Auditorium
Adam Nkinde is a dedicated, passionate young Tanzanian, who has more than 13 years of experience successfully leading wildlife safaris and mountain climbing expeditions around Tanzania’s protected areas. Born in Arusha, Tanzania, Adam has had a passion for African wildlife, which began at an early age in secondary school where he was involved with environmental conservation clubs. He then graduated with a diploma in Wildlife Management from the College of African Wildlife. Join us on a pictorial journey of Adam’s safaris as he takes us from Boca Grande to Africa! Then for the intrepid explorer, travel with Friends on a Northern Tanzania Safari trip September 16- 27, 2023.
Individual Tickets go on sale September 1:
Sponsor $190 | Reserved $70 | General Admission $40 | Livestream $40
Sponsors will enjoy preferred seating in the auditorium and a private party afterward at the sponsor reception.
Sponsorship opportunities are currently available by calling the office, (941) 964-0827.