Boca Grande Camera Club
Tuesday, April 2, 2019Time 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Boca Grande Camera Club Ι 10am Ι Houghton Room
The Boca Grande Camera Club is “the place” to bring your camera this season!
The club offers opportunities to improve your photographic skills and enjoy the company of fellow photographers as you listen to professional photographers speak, discuss photography, and participate in workshops and share photos. An exciting series of talks, workshops, local photographic trips and events are planned. As always, some of the more experienced photographers are willing to mentor and share as needed. Club meetings are held at 10:00 am in the Houghton Room of the Community Center from November to April. Everyone from the Boca Grande community and surrounding area is invited to join.
Contact Nora Lea Reefe by email, to add your contact information to the camera club’s mailing list so that you can be among the first to hear about upcoming club events.