Boca Grande Camera Club
Tuesday, April 4, 2023Time 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Boca Grande Camera Club
Houghton Room Ι 10am Ι No Charge
Join the Boca Grande Camera Club as we explore the ever-changing world of photography! New members are always welcome. The BGCC welcomes people of all levels of experience. Our members span the spectrum from phone photographers to beginner and professional photographers who meet to learn and improve, collaborate, and display their photography. Exceptional speakers, composition and creative ideas, workshops and field trips will be on the schedule along with a half-day member workshop. There are also many informal field trips, often led by one of our talented members, throughout the year. Eleven regular Tuesday morning meetings are scheduled in the fall/winter season. For more information email Boca Grande Camera Club at: Updates and information are also available on their public Facebook Page at Boca Grande Camera Club.
Camera Club Dates 2022-2023
November 15, December 6 & 20, January 3 & 17, February 7 & 21, March 7 & 21, April 4 & 18 @ 10 AM in the Houghton Room at the Community Center
The “ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW” – March 3-5, 2023
Other exciting field trips and workshops – TBD